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OCamlgraph example

OCamlgraph is a graph library for OCaml. In this example, we use Ocamlgraph to represent a graph, traverse the graph, and export the graph as graphViz dot file.

Let us write an OCaml graph that represents the following graph.

 |     | \
 |     |  (5)
 |     | /

First, let us define the Vertex and Edge.

module Node = struct                                                                
   type t = int                                                                     
   let compare =                                                 
   let hash = Hashtbl.hash                                                          
   let equal = (=)                                                                  

module Edge = struct                                                                
   type t = string                                                                  
   let compare =                                                 
   let equal = (=)                                                                  
   let default = ""                                                                 

Now, we create the graph

module G =  Graph.Persistent.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectionalLabeled(Node)(Edge)
let g = G.empty

Create a vertex

let v1 = G.V.create 1;;

Now, add the vertex to the graph G

let g = G.add_vertex g v1;;

Add other vertices

let g = G.add_vertex g (G.V.create 2)
let g = G.add_vertex g (G.V.create 3)
let g = G.add_vertex g (G.V.create 4)
let g = G.add_vertex g (G.V.create 5)
let g = G.add_vertex g (G.V.create 6)  

Display all the added vertices

G.iter_vertex (fun x->Caml.print_int x)) g

Add edges to the graph

let g = G.add_edge g 1 2
let g = G.add_edge g 1 3
let g = G.add_edge g 2 4
let g = G.add_edge g 3 4
let g = G.add_edge g 2 5
let g = G.add_edge g 4 5
let g = G.add_edge g 1 6 

print the adjacent vertices of vertex 1

List.iter print_int (G.succ g 1)

Now, let us traverse the graph using BFS

module M1 = Traverse.Bfs(G)
M1.iter (fun x-> print_int x) g   

Now, let us save the graph in GaraphViz dot file.

module Dot = Graph.Graphviz.Dot(struct
   include G (* use the graph module from above *)
   let edge_attributes (_, e, _) = [`Label e; `Color 4711]
   let default_edge_attributes _ = []
   let get_subgraph _ = None
   let vertex_attributes _ = [`Shape `Box]
   let vertex_name v = string_of_int v
   let default_vertex_attributes _ = []
  let graph_attributes _ = []

let _ =
   let file = open_out_bin "" in
   Dot.output_graph file g 

Here is the output

BFS Graph

To compile:

dune build bfs.exe

to execute:

dune exec ./bfs.exe



Full code is here OCamlgraph is a powerful graph library. For more details, please read here: